Two stories from Marc Gafni’s youth have been cynically-distorted and questionably used by the organizers of the smear campaign and false complaints in Israel in order to demonize Marc as a “rapist,” “pedophile,” and “predator.”

The first story concerns Marc’s short-term relationship with Sara Kabakov when he was 19. The second concerns a one-time encounter with Judy Mitzner when he was 24. The facts in both stories have been mangled and manipulated over the last 30 years, and now, they are being used to fuel the ongoing smear, which publicly claims to be protecting future victims, but privately seeks to destroy Marc’s reputation.

Here, you will find two new responses concerning each story. They provide a detailed narrative, which cast serious doubt on the veracity of the stories told by the women in question. Moreover, serious questions are also raised about the people behind the scenes who have encouraged and used Judy and Sara over the past several decades.

September 2018

Social Murder on the Internet: The True Marc Gafni Story

By |2023-01-24T10:10:31+00:00September 16th, 2018|Article, Article by Colleagues, Colleagues, Distorted Stories, Featured, Featured Home, Smear Campaign|

Board Members of the Center for Integral Wisdom, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Chahat Corten, wrote an excellent piece elaborating on the case study of Marc Gafni, distinguishing the True Marc Gafni Story from the mass of false claims, manufactured victim [...]

Summation & Relevancy of the Marc Gafni Polygraph Results

By |2018-09-17T19:39:44+00:00September 15th, 2018|Article, Article by Colleagues, Colleagues, Distorted Stories, False Complaints, Featured Home, Resources|

In early fall 2007 Marc Gafni asked his legal advisor at the time, to initiate a polygraph test which might help him clear his name of false accusations and complaints. The complaints he was interested in refuting were of two [...]

February 2017

January 2017

Anatomy of a Smear: The Internet Trial of Marc Gafni

By |2023-04-24T18:50:39+00:00January 14th, 2017|Article, Article by Colleagues, Colleagues, Distorted Stories, False Complaints, Featured, Featured Home, Marc Gafni, Smear Campaign|

If you are looking for the most comprehensive discussion and analysis of the Marc Gafni smear campaign, start by reading this article. Previously unreleased evidence, reaching back nearly a decade, exposes the false allegations of abuse, along with the people [...]

December 2016

Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara – A Distorted Story from 36 Years Ago When Marc Gafni Was 19

By |2024-05-14T14:40:32+00:00December 14th, 2016|Article, Article by Marc, Distorted Stories, Featured Home, Marc Gafni, Resources|

- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their way to discredit Marc Gafni’s [...]

October 2016

Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara Kabakov’s False Story

By |2024-05-14T14:28:11+00:00October 24th, 2016|Article, Article by Marc, Distorted Stories, Marc Gafni|

- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, a shorter version of this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their way [...]

June 2016

April 2016

February 2016

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