A Repository of Critical Information and Essential Resources

The false or distorted allegations made against Marc have centered around the four periods of his life described in the resources posted below. The stories concerning these periods routinely feature false claims, distorted timelines, and unfounded opinion masquerading as “fact” or “truth.” The resource lists provided here, if carefully reviewed, will yield a more accurate understanding of Marc and the false and distorted allegations made against him.

September 2018

Summation & Relevancy of the Marc Gafni Polygraph Results

By |2018-09-17T19:39:44+00:00September 15th, 2018|Article, Article by Colleagues, Colleagues, Distorted Stories, False Complaints, Featured Home, Resources|

In early fall 2007 Marc Gafni asked his legal advisor at the time, to initiate a polygraph test which might help him clear his name of false accusations and complaints. The complaints he was interested in refuting were of two [...]

January 2017

December 2016

Marc Gafni’s Response to Chaya Lester – Marc’s Former Wife

By |2023-04-26T13:30:10+00:00December 14th, 2016|Article, Article by Marc, False Complaints, Marc Gafni, Resources|

Marc Gafni has maintained silence in response to five defamatory public rants written, published, and circulated by his former wife Chaya since 2006. In this article,  Marc Gafni breaks the silence about the so-called "Marc Gafni scandal" in order to [...]

Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara – A Distorted Story from 36 Years Ago When Marc Gafni Was 19

By |2024-05-14T14:40:32+00:00December 14th, 2016|Article, Article by Marc, Distorted Stories, Featured Home, Marc Gafni, Resources|

- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their way to discredit Marc Gafni’s [...]

June 2016

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